George V. Reilly

Hillary Clinton, presumptive nominee

Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee for the 2016 Pres­i­den­tial race. Although Sanders has not yet ended his campaign, he can’t win. I voted for Sanders in the Washington state caucus and I still have his yard sign sitting in my front yard.

Unlike some diehard Sanders’ supporters, I have absolutely no qualms getting behind Clinton. She’s one of the most qualified candidates ever to run. If elected, she will be on the right side of many of the issues I care about and she will make good ap­point­ments to the Supreme Court. She’s competent and capable and gets things done. Clinton has survived more scrutiny and more attacks than just about anyone else. She’s not perfect: for example, she’s closer to Wall Street than I like.

When I compare her to Donald Trump, to his utter unfitness for office, to his dangerous bel­li­cos­i­ty, to the ap­point­ments he’d make, to his denial of climate change, it’s a very, very easy decision for me to support Clinton.

Hillary for President!

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