George V. Reilly

Review: The Silent Twin

The Silent Twin
Title: The Silent Twin
Author: Caroline Mitchell
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ½
Publisher: Bookouture
Copyright: 2016
Pages: 344
Keywords: police, paranormal
Reading period: 3 June–10 July, 2016

Abigail has gone missing from creepy Blackwater Farm days before her tenth birthday. Her twin Olivia has been mute ever since. Their strange mother is not helping matters and the father is acting oddly too. DC Jennifer Knight, who belongs to a secret psychic police task force, is the family liaison officer. She must convince Olivia to break her silence and reveal what she knows before time runs out for Abigail.

This was a reasonably good thriller that I think would have been better without the su­per­nat­ur­al elements.

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