Review: De Reünie (Murdered Memory)

De Reünie is a Dutch film starring Thekla Reuten as Sabine, a woman who is disturbed by her half memories of her final year of secondary school some twenty years ago, when her girlfriend Isabel disappeared without trace. The arrival of Olaf—once a classmate, still a jerk—at her workplace triggers more memories as they are drawn together. Slowly, very slowly, through extended flashbacks, we learn more about that fateful spring in a small coastal town as Sabine and Isabel fell out of love. In the present day, both Sabine and Olaf grow more erratic as the time for their 20th school reunion approaches.
How trustworthy are Sabine’s memories? Not very. Could this movie have trimmed 30 minutes with little loss? Yes, it drags in places. Is it worth seeing? Just about.