Negative Circled Digits
I found something very useful in the dingbats range of Unicode characters: the negative circled san-serif digits, ➊ ➋ ➌ ➍ ➎ ➏ ➐ ➑ ➒ ➓ .
I’ve started using them to label points of interest in code. They play well with the code-block directive in reStructuredText.
sudo docker images --format '{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}' \ ➊ | grep $IMAGE_NAME \ ➋ | grep -v latest \ ➌ | head -1 ➍
- A Golang Template format string for image-name and tag
- Match some Docker image name
- Exclude the latest tag
- Take only the first
Because these characters are extra-wide even in a monospaced font, Vim doesn’t render them properly unless they’re followed by a space.
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