Jenkins #6: Miscellenea
[Previously published at the now defunct MetaBrite Dev Blog.]
A collection of miscellaneous tips on using Pipelines in Jenkins 2.0.
#6 in a series on Jenkins Pipelines
Environment Variables
Use the withEnv step to set environment variables. Don’t manipulate the env global variable.
The confusing example that you see in the documents, PATH+WHATEVER=/something, simply means to prepend /something to $PATH. The +WHATEVER has no other effect.
The withEnv step should not be used to introduce secrets into the build environment. Use the withCredentials plugin instead.
withCredentials([ [$class: 'StringBinding', credentialsId: 'GPG_SECRET', variable: 'GPG_SECRET'], [$class: 'AmazonWebServicesCredentialsBinding', credentialsId: '0defaced-cafe-f00d-badd-0000000ff1ce', accessKeyVariable: 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', secretKeyVariable: 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] ]) {
Tip: Use the Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator from your Jenkins project to figure out the exact invocation for your credentials.
If you need to display environment variables for debugging purposes, you can use something like this Python script instead of sh 'env | sort', which can leave secrets in cleartext in your logs. Note that withCredentials will mask values that it knows about.
#!/usr/bin/env python import os, re BLOCKLIST_RE = re.compile(r'^(.*_)?(PASSWORD|AUTH|TOKEN|SECRET|KEY)(_.*)?$') for k in sorted(os.environ.keys()): v = os.environ[k] if BLOCKLIST_RE.match(k) and len(v) > 2: v = '*{}{}{}*'.format(v[0], len(v)-2, v[-1]) print('{}={}'.format(k, v))
Cleaning Up Workspaces
You may need to clean up your workspace. Don’t remove the .git directory.
sh "ls -A1 | grep -v "^\\.git\$" | xargs rm -rf"
- ls -A1 lists all the files and directories in the current directory, except . and .., one per line.
- The grep -v excludes ^\.git$. Note that the \ and the $ are escaped in the sh step to prevent GString interpolation.
- The xargs rm -rf deletes the remaining files and directories.
Editing Jenkinsfile
Be sure to put #!groovy as the first line in your Jenkinsfile, as a hint to your editor to use Groovy syntax highlighting.
We use PyCharm a lot, since we’re a Python shop. However, despite being written in Java, PyCharm’s support for Groovy is mediocre. You’re expected to buy JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDE.
Vim has built-in support for Groovy. Atom with the language-groovy package works great. Many other editors also support Groovy.
Stashes and Artifacts
Use stash and unstash to get artifacts across nodes within a pipeline. If you’re using the parallel step, some of your branches will start out with an empty workspace, and unstash is the easiest way to prime the workspace.
If you need to transfer artifacts between different builds, you’ll need to use archiveArtifacts and CopyArtifact.
In project build-1:
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '', fingerprint: true
In project build-2:
step ([$class: 'CopyArtifact', projectName: 'build-1', filter: '', selector: [$class: 'StatusBuildSelector'] ]);
Note that the StatusBuildSelector selector is picking the artifact from the last successful build of build-1.
You can find the various selectors in the CopyArtifact source. If you dig into the tests, you can probably figure out how to use the other selectors.
In build-1, you can use build job: 'build-2', wait: false to kick off build-2.
Here are some tricks for debugging.
Local Groovy
Run Groovy locally to debug syntax issues and Groovy functions.
timestamps and ansiColor
Use the timestamps plugin to get timestamps to appear in the Jenkins log. This is so useful that it should be the default.
The ansiColor plugin will generate transform colored console output into colored log output.
node('ubuntu') { timestamps { ansiColor('xterm') { stage("Source Checkout") { checkout scm
Job Debugging
Instead of troubleshooting build problems in a slow heavyweight job, create a new lightweight job that isolates the problem. You may get your iteration time down to a minute or so, instead of many minutes.
Temporarily use "Pipeline script" instead of "Pipeline script from SCM", so that you can try out changes more quickly. Note that checkout scm won’t work unless the Pipeline script comes from SCM.
The Replay command in the left menu lets you edit the Pipeline script and rerun it.
sh Errors
You can use cat -n $0 to echo the interpolated sh script to the log.