George V. Reilly

Accidentally Quadratic: Python List Membership

We had a per­for­mance regression in a test suite recently when the median test time jumped by two minutes.

Big O Cheat Sheet

We tracked it down to this (simplified) code fragment:

task_inclusions = [ some_collection_of_tasks() ]
invalid_tasks = [t.task_id() for t in airflow_tasks
                 if t.task_id() not in task_inclusions]

This looks fairly in­nocu­ous—and it was—until the size of the result returned from some_­col­lec­tion_of_­tasks() jumped from a few hundred to a few thousand.

The in comparison operator con­ve­nient­ly works with all of Python’s standard sequences and col­lec­tions, but its efficiency varies. For a list and other sequences, in must search linearly through all the elements until it finds a matching element or the list is exhausted. In other words, x in some_list takes O(n) time. For a set or a dict, however, x in container takes, on average, only O(1) time. See Time Complexity for more.

The in­valid_­tasks list com­pre­hen­sion was explicitly looping through one list, air­flow_­tasks, and implicitly doing a linear search through task_in­clu­sions for each value of t. The nested loop was hidden and its effect only became apparent when task_in­clu­sions grew large.

The list com­pre­hen­sion was actually taking O(n2) time. When n was com­par­a­tive­ly small (a few hundred), this wasn’t a problem. When n grew to several thousand, it became a big problem.

This is a classic example of an ac­ci­den­tal­ly quadratic algorithm. Indeed, Nelson describes a very similar problem with Mercurial change­groups.

This per­for­mance regression was compounded because this fragment of code was being called thousands of times—I believe once for each task— making the overall cost cubic, O(n3).

The fix here is similar: Use a set instead of a list and get O(1) membership testing. The in­valid_­tasks list com­pre­hen­sion now takes the expected O(n) time.

task_inclusions = set( some_collection_of_tasks() )
invalid_tasks = [t.task_id() for t in airflow_tasks
                 if t.task_id() not in task_inclusions]

More at Un­der­stand­ing Big-O Notation and the Big-O Cheat Sheet.

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