I saw a packet of triple chocolate cookies
and I wondered, “Triple chocolate?”.
I googled and found several recipes,
all of which used cocoa powder with
either a couple of varieties of chocolate chips,
say semisweet and white,
or a couple of varieties of chocolate,
such as dark chocolate and milk chocolate,
often melted.
The Keebler's cookie was unmemorable.
The recipes sounded better.
Last week I made my Christmas Cake,
a week after I made my Christmas Puddings.
Tonight I decorated it with marzipan and royal icing.
I spent a couple of hours this evening making Christmas Puddings.
I soaked several pounds of dried fruit overnight
in hot water with a little whiskey.
The fruit plumped up considerably.
I let it drain throughout the day.
The photo shows the puddings in their bowls just before I sealed them
and put them into the oven for four hours of steaming.
They'll get another four or five hours tomorrow.
When we're ready to eat one, it'll get another hour of steaming to heat it up.
We decant it from the bowl,
stick a sprig of holly in the top,
heat a tablespoon of whiskey until it catches fire,
and pour the …continue.
I walked past this truck at Second and Pike on Monday and did a double-take.
Eric was intrigued too when I showed him a photo later,
and we went back to investigate yesterday.
They only opened a few weeks ago.
As yet, the menu is limited.
The Maximus is a pulled pork sandwich with a hot sauce,
while the Minimus has a tangy sauce.
They have a vegetarian sandwich, chips made from potatoes and vegetables,
and hibiscus and ginger lemonades.
I don't much care for barbecue as a rule.
The Minimus with a sprinkling of Beecher's cheese was good, but not outstanding.
The pork was flavorful and not overwhelmed by the …continue.
A good piece in yesterday's New York Times about
sugar in the American diet:
How sweet it is! The American diet, that is. While the current
recommendation is a maximum intake of eight teaspoons of sugars a day,
one 12-ounce can of regular soda (or a 20-ounce bottle of VitaminWater)
delivers eight or nine teaspoons. That means you are at or over the
limit before you’ve eaten a single cookie or container of
fruit-flavored yogurt, or even some commercial tomato soups or salad
dressings with added sugars. The result is an average daily intake of
more than 20 teaspoons of sweet calories.
Marshall Brain demonstrated the amount of sugar in …continue.
Salumi's has the best selection of charcuterie in Seattle.
The range and quality of their cured meats is truly impressive.
The flavor, excellent.
Their counter staff, friendly and family-like.
The line goes out the door.
But. But. But.
Their service is wretched.
That line moves at a glacial pace.
I've never taken less than 20 minutes to get a sandwich;
sometimes twice that.
The staff are slow and inefficient.
Their stations are badly laid out
and they have to fumble around each other
in their pokey little store.
Every time I watch them at work—and I always
have plenty of time to watch them work—I want
to drag them over to Jimmy John's or Bakeman's.
Jimmy John's …continue.
I made my Christmas Cake back in November,
but am only now getting around to putting on the icing.
I've kept it moist with several applications of whiskey.
Last year, I made marzipan from scratch.
Never again!
It was a huge amount of work to blanch the almonds
and the stiff mixture of sugar and almonds caused the
food processor to seize up more than once.
I didn't use up all the marzipan that I made that time.
I put the remainder into a sealed container,
placed it in the fridge, and forgot all about it.
When I took it out of the fridge yesterday,
it was still good.
Oh, the top half-inch …continue.
Herewith several articles that I've read lately
for which I'm not going to write individual posts.
Bruce Schneier has railed for years against security theater,
ostensible security measures that have little real effect,
but are performed to be seen as doing something
— airline security being the most wretched example.
Patrick Smith wrote a good piece on
airport security follies at the NYT airline blog.
We should all be protesting loudly at this nonsense,
but no-one does because of the fear of ending up on a no-fly list.
Also in the NYT, Harold McGee wrote a particularly interesting
article on the hidden ingredient in cooking, heat.
That’s the basic challenge:
We’re often aiming …continue.
Michael Pollan, in a long article in last Sunday's New York Times Magazine,
writes about Nutritionism
In the case of nutritionism [an ideology], the widely shared but
unexamined assumption is that the key to understanding food is indeed
the nutrient. From this basic premise flow several others. Since
nutrients, as compared with foods, are invisible and therefore slightly
mysterious, it falls to the scientists (and to the journalists through
whom the scientists speak) to explain the hidden reality of foods to
us. To enter a world in which you dine on unseen nutrients, you need
lots of expert help.
Another potentially serious weakness of nutritionist ideology is that
it has trouble …continue.
At work, we're having a Christmas party every day this week at 4pm.
Each day, a different team is responsible for providing food and drink.
Yesterday, my team provided Caipirinhas and some Brazilian food.
Today, we had Scotch and savory cheesecakes!
I'm so used to cheesecakes being sweet
that it's never occurred to me that they could come any other way,
but I have to say that mushroom, pepper & pesto, and brie &hazelnut cheesecakes
are all quite tasty.