George V. Reilly

Maximus / Minimus

Maximus / Minimus Pig

I walked past this truck at Second and Pike on Monday and did a double-take. Eric was intrigued too when I showed him a photo later, and we went back to in­ves­ti­gate yesterday.

They only opened a few weeks ago. As yet, the menu is limited. The Maximus is a pulled pork sandwich with a hot sauce, while the Minimus has a tangy sauce. They have a vegetarian sandwich, chips made from potatoes and vegetables, and hibiscus and ginger lemonades.

I don’t much care for barbecue as a rule. The Minimus with a sprinkling of Beecher’s cheese was good, but not out­stand­ing. The pork was flavorful and not over­whelmed by the sauce. The sandwich was a little small and inevitably messy. The ginger lemonade was pleasantly tart. See Yelp for more reviews.

The pig is very cool and un­doubt­ed­ly draws a lot of business. There’s nowhere to sit near the Pig. We sat down at First and Union and looked down at the waterfront.

I’ll be back. Oc­ca­sion­al­ly.

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