George V. Reilly

Phonebanking for Obama on Beacon Hill

I spent some time earlier this evening phone banking for Obama and some Washington State races, at the new Beacon Hill HQ:

We now have a location on Beacon Hill to volunteer for Obama and Gregoire. It's between Horton and Hinds on Beacon Ave. S. It's a place you can volunteer for phone banking or pick up packets to canvass your neighbors.

There's an open house on Wednesday, September 24th between 5 and 9 pm. Stop by to phone bank, share food with your neighbors, and get to know other Obama supporters in your area.

For exact location and details contact:

Michele Frix
Washington State Democrats-Co­or­di­nat­ed Campaign
Field Organizer/11th Leg­isla­tive District

It'll continue.

Sarah Palin

After months of attacking Obama's “in­ex­pe­ri­ence”, McCain has picked an unknown first-term governor from a minor state with an un­der­whelm­ing resume.

What gross ir­re­spon­si­bil­i­ty! A seventy-two-year-old with a history of skin cancer, who feels the need to keep his medical records under a tight wrap, should have a running mate who's ready to take over at any time. When you compare her to Biden or Obama, Palin clearly isn't. I sincerely believe that I'm better informed about the world than she is, based on reports of her lack of interest in Iraq until recently, and that she didn't have a passport until 2007.

What she does bring to the ticket is hard-right, cre­ation­ist, evan­gel­i­cal continue.

Odds and Ends #12

shopping miniLists

Odds and Ends #11

Time for another Odds & Ends.

Well-known evo­lu­tion­ary biologist PZ Myers (Pharyngula) was expelled from a viewing of a new cre­ation­ist doc­u­men­tary, Expelled, last night. Wait until you read the punchline. There is a God!

Lost, one MacBook Air: Steven Levy explains just how he (thinks he) lost his MacBook Air.

It was St. Patrick's Day on Monday. Peter sent me the Muppets' Danny Boy video. Andrew told me that the Irish bishops had moved St. Patrick's Day. Monday was a holiday in Ireland, as is today (Good Friday) and next Monday (Easter Monday), so many people took Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off this week. Bastards!

Emma and I walked with the Wild Geese Players in continue.

Odds and Ends #10

It's been too long since I last posted an Odds & Ends.

Henri is a very amusing short spoof of French ennui.

Back in January, Emma and I were being repeatedly shocked by static elec­tric­i­ty. We would in­ad­ver­tent­ly discharge by kissing or otherwise touching each other, or by touching laptops or faucets. Eventually, I realised that it was due to a com­bi­na­tion of the microfiber upholstery on our new couch and the dry, unhumid air. We solved it by a com­bi­na­tion of rubbing an anti-static dryer sheet (Bounce) on the couch and buying a humidifier. That led to a spate of jokes about the spark being gone.

It's started coming back again. I think continue.

Odds and Ends #9

I sent this letter to the New York Times this morning:

I was struck by the jux­ta­po­si­tion of Anya Kamenetz's thoughtful column and Maureen Dowd's puerile nonsense on today's op-ed page.

Anya Kamenetz's makes a sensible proposal on empowering ready teenagers by lowering the age thresholds for voting, drinking, credit cards when they demon­strate maturity.

Maureen Dowd continues in her usual rut, going on again about Ch­eneyesque paranoia, Bill's legacy, Obambi, and tough dames.

Perhaps Ms. Dowd could take Ms. Kamenetz's maturity test.

We attended a Super Tuesday party last night. As a PCO, I know a fair bit about the local caucus process, but I was unable to give a continue.

Odds and Ends #8

Use O'Reilly Maker to generate book covers. I've always wanted to write a book for cousin Tim, and now I have!

Via Pavel: Adolf Hitler - Vista Problems (YouTube).

The Pho­tog­ra­pher's Right: a handy one-page guide.

The general rule in the United States is that anyone may take pho­tographs of whatever they want when they are in a public place or places where they have permission to take pho­tographs. Absent a specific legal pro­hi­bi­tion such as a statute or ordinance, you are legally entitled to take pho­tographs. Examples of places that are tra­di­tion­al­ly considered public are streets, sidewalks, and public parks.

The tiny <code> font in Firefox has been bugging me for a long time. I finally continue.

Odds and Ends #6

Mis­cel­la­neous links.

Odds and Ends #5

Mis­cel­la­neous links.

Odds and Ends #4

Mis­cel­la­neous links.

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