Vim 7.0 is out
More than two years in the making, Vim-7.0 is finally out!

(Vim is Vi IMproved, an enormously enhanced version of the classic Unix editor, vi.)
The main features of the 7.0 release are:
- Spell checking
- Omni-completion (Intellisense-like)
- Tabbed pages
- VimL script language now supports Lists and Dictionaries
I’m going to take credit for some minor features of Vim 7:
- Making Vim build with VC5-VC8
- The Win64 port
- Syntax highlighting for FlexWiki
WikiPedia summarizes the history of Vim. This enabled me to pinpoint when I first became a contributor to Vim, back in December 1995. I cleaned up the original, rather buggy port of Vim-3.0 to NT, and posted it to the comp.editors newsgroup. Bram invited me to merge my changes into Vim-4.0, which was then under development, and I became the owner of Win32 Vim for the next couple of years.