Little Details
In my wanderings, I recently came across two sites where you can ask all kinds of strange questions, with a reasonable expectation of getting an answer.

Little Details: "writers have questions, other writers have answers". A LiveJournal community for writers seeking all kinds of background information for their plots. Some samples:
- 1920’s cold remedies
- Danish drinking songs
- Control parents have over their children testifying.
Ask MetaFilter is more general purpose. It’s a good place to go when your question can’t be reduced to a keyword search on Google. Sample questions:
- What’s the fastest and cheapest way to paint a red room white?
- Is there a program for the Mac that will scroll a window to capture a
- screenshot of its entire contents?
- I want to be my own YouTube/Google video. Is there an easy way to show
- videos on my own server embedded in a page?
- What’s the best vegan substitute for lard?