George V. Reilly

The Italian Girl in Algiers

The Italian Girl in Algiers

My operatic education continues. Tonight we saw the Seattle Opera’s production of The Italian Girl in Algiers, aka L’italiana in Algeri.

The plots in opera, especially comedic opera, are always wildly improbable. This one revolves around Mustafà, the buffoonish Bey of Algiers, who wants to pass off his wife Elvira to Lindoro, an Italian slave, and take instead the newly arrived Italian girl, Isabella. Isabella has come in search of her lost love – Lindoro, of course – and has brought another lover, Taddeo, also a buffoon, who poses as her uncle. Isabella is more than a match for every man who crosses her path, twisting them around her little finger.

The per­for­mances are delightful and the music is a treat. Mustafà, the petulant Bey, as played by Simone Alberghini, is par­tic­u­lar­ly funny. Rec­om­mend­ed.

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