George V. Reilly

Review Policy

A Review of literature

(Image courtesy of The Learning Center.)

Up to now, all of the books that I’ve reviewed have been ones that I have bought or borrowed.

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by a publicity manager at Harper­Collins in reference to my review of The Wrong Kind of Blood. She offered to send me a copy of the next book in the series if I would be willing to review it on my site. No strings were attached. I agreed. The review will follow in a later post.

It’s time for me to establish a formal review policy, so as to maintain trans­paren­cy.

Review Policy

I write reviews in my limited spare time. If you want me to review a book or a product, please use the E-mail link elsewhere on this page to contact me.

This policy was initially posted on 2007/05/21. Revision 1.0.


What are my qual­i­fi­ca­tions? For reviewing fiction and movies, no formal qual­i­fi­ca­tions save having been an avid reader for more than 35 years. Read my blog for sample reviews.

For reviewing pro­gram­ming books or software: more than 20 years of pro­fes­sion­al experience as a software developer. I have tech reviewed books for Addison-Wesley, Wrox, Sams, and New Riders. I have co-authored two books, Beginning ATL 3 COM Pro­gram­ming and Pro­fes­sion­al Active Server Pages 3.0.

Review: The Rats, The Bats, & The Ugly » « Review: The Color of Blood