George V. Reilly

Review: The Rats, The Bats, & The Ugly

The Rats, The Bats, & The Ugly
Title: The Rats, The Bats, & The Ugly
Author: Eric Flint, Dave Freer
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ½
Publisher: Baen
Copyright: 2004
Pages: 391
Keywords: science fiction, humor
Reading period: 15-16 May, 2007

No good deed goes unpunished might be the motto of this sequel to Rats, Bats, and Vats.

In the previous book, a motley assortment of grunts destroyed a hive of the alien invaders. The military es­tab­lish­ment don’t really appreciate being shown up as in­com­pe­tent buffoons, and do their best to persecute and prosecute the human leading the grunts, as well as the military in­tel­li­gence major who spotted what they were up to and sent in help.

Our heroes are forced into a con­fronta­tion with the es­tab­lish­ment. It should be no surprise who comes out on top.

Another fun book from Freer and Flint, combining humor and social satire with a deft touch.

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