Review: White Night

Title: White Night
Author: Jim Butcher
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Roc
Copyright: 2007
ISBN: 045146155X
Pages: 452
Keywords: fantasy
Reading period: 13 April, 2008
White Night is the latest paperback in the Dresden Files continuing on from Proven Guilty.
Harry Dresden is a wizard and private investigator in Chicago. Minor practitioners of magic are being killed and the evidence points to his half-brother, Thomas. Harry can’t accept that, even if Thomas is a vampire. Meanwhile, there’s a war going on between the wizards and certain factions of vampires.
Harry is slowly starting to mature, now that he’s got responsibilities. He has an apprentice and two junior Wardens were killed on his watch. He’s just a little less likely to mouth off and think, but he still has a remarkable talent for pissing people off.
Entertaining, with a relentlessly fast-paced plot. Recommended.