Review: Iron Kissed

Title: Iron Kissed
Author: Patricia Briggs
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Ace
Copyright: 2008
ISBN: 0441015662
Pages: 287
Keywords: urban fantasy
Reading period: 6–8 June, 2008
Mercy Thompson, coyote shape shifter, mechanic, and heroine of Blood Bound and Moon Called, is asked to investigate the murder of some fae. The fae (faery) are creatures from the old tales, barely assimilated into modern society, and far more dangerous than Disney tales suggest. One of their own, Mercy’s mentor, is falsely accused of the murder. Most of the fae would rather see him go down so that the whole thing will blow over quickly. Mercy is determined to get him off, and that doesn’t sit well with the fae. Not to mention, she’s juggling two suitors, both alpha werewolves.
An entertaining, fast-paced read.