George V. Reilly

Bloomsday 2008

Oxen of the Sun

Bloomsday is around the corner. As ever, we at the Wild Geese Players of Seattle are staging a reading from James Joyce’s Ulysses, at the Elliott Bay Bookstore, 101 S. Main St, on Sat 14th June 2008 at 4:30pm.

In the Oxen of the Sun, Leopold Bloom visits the Holles Street Maternity Hospital and falls in with Stephen Dedalus and a crowd of drunken medical students, in a chapter that not only re­ca­pit­u­lates the forty weeks of pregnancy, it also con­sti­tutes a tour through the de­vel­op­ment of the English language.

I play Stephen Dedalus, the second most important character of the book. In this chapter, it is neither a large nor a small role.

Behind the scenes, I was re­spon­si­ble for turning Joyce’s text into a script suitable for a staged reading. A few months ago, I despaired of it. It was a daunting challenge tech­ni­cal­ly, and we didn’t have nearly enough readers. I’m happy to say that I found my way through the labyrinth of dramaturgy and a large crop of new goslings joined the Players for this year’s reading.

Finally, let me repost a Google Ad that I saw beside one of our internal emails:

Natural Geese Repellent
En­vi­ro­men­tal­ly Safe Unit Rids Geese Main­te­nance Free, Solar Powered
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