Obama's Gay Rights Shitstorm

Candidate Obama talked a great line in gay rights, selling himself as a “fierce advocate”. He’d get rid of the Defense of Marriage Act, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and more.
President Obama has been a big disappointment on gay rights. He hasn’t done anything about DADT, he hasn’t spoken out about gay marriage, he hasn’t made any gay appointments. John Aravosis has a good roundup at Salon.
But now a shitstorm has blown up. On Friday, the Department of Justice filed a brief in defense of DOMA. First of all, the DoJ is not actually required to defend all laws. More importantly, the brief was gratuitously offensive, invoking incest and pedophilia.
People are outraged. A major fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee celebrating the 40th anniversary of Stonewall is falling apart as the attendees are declining to attend.
I don’t know what’s going on in the White House, but I don’t like it.