George V. Reilly

Shakespeare in the Park: Comedy of Errors


Greenstage continue their Shake­speare in the Park this year with per­for­mances of King John and Comedy of Errors at a number of Seattle-area parks over the summer. Emma and I enjoyed their Twelfth Night at Seward Park last year. Best of all, it’s free!

The play starts at 7:00pm. Come at 5:00 and have a picnic with us near the Am­phithe­ater. Bring food that’s ready to eat—the Seward Park PCC is less than a mile away. There’s some seating but you might want to bring your own chairs.

If you come even earlier, Seward Park is worth a trip in its own right. Old growth forest trails and a 2.5 mile lakefront walk.

Please RSVP to the Evite. Feel free to invite more people to join us.

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