Review: Murder at the Mendel

Title: Murder at the Mendel
Author: Gail Bowen
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: McClelland & Stewart
Copyright: 1991
ISBN: 0771014929
Pages: 216
Keywords: mystery
Reading period: 21 June, 2009
Joanne Kilbourn has moved to Saskatoon after the events of Deadly Appearances, and renewed her childhood friendship with Sally Love. Sally is now a famous artist and the focus of controversy: a huge fresco that she painted for the Mendel museum of the penises and vaginas of her former lovers is being picketed. As events turn ugly, Joanne will learn more than she ever wanted to know about Sally’s and her own history.
Bowen writes knowledgeably about art and artists and frustrated ambitions. Joanne’s long, entangled history with the Love family adds texture to the story—and blind her to some of their failings.