George V. Reilly


Golden Gardens Beach

Two picnics this weekend.

Today we held the tenth annual BiNet Seattle picnic for the bisexual community, which I once again organized, with some help from Emma. Almost all of the preceding ones were held at Ravenna Park. Even though I booked the picnic back in March, Ravenna Park was un­avail­able this weekend, which was the only weekend that really suited me. We went to Golden Gardens Beach instead. It’s a nice park, but parking is atrocious on a busy weekend, which may explain the poor turnout. There were only 10 people, down from 20–30 for the last few years. Three new faces; the rest were regulars. As usual, Emma and I brought the meat, charcoal, plates, and tools, and did the cooking.

Tomorrow’s picnic will be before the open-air production of Comedy of Errors at the Seward Park Am­phithe­ater. This one’s easy: no-one’s cooking. We’re just bringing food that’s ready to eat.

Lyn on Billy Strayhorn » « Comedy of Errors