George V. Reilly

Review: Containment

Title: Con­tain­ment
Author: Christian Cantrell
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ½
Publisher: Cantrell Media Company
Copyright: 2010
Pages: 248
Keywords: science fiction
Reading period: 20–22 July, 2010

Arik is the smartest of the 100 young humans born to the only colony on Venus—a colony that needs to develop its in­de­pen­dence from Earth. After he wakes from a three-month coma, he grows to realize that there is something very wrong going on in the colony.

The book starts off very slowly, with massive amounts of exposition that the author apparently couldn’t bear to cut. Later, it develops some in­ter­est­ing ideas and unexpected plot twists, making it worthwhile.

Available as a free ebook from the author’s website.

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