Review: His Majesty's Dragon

The first in the Temeraire series.
Capt. Will Laurence of the Royal Navy captures one of Napoleon’s ships. It’s carrying a dragon egg, from which the dragon Temeraire promptly hatches and bonds with Laurence. Laurence must leave the Navy and become an aviator in the socially undesirable Royal Aerial Corps, where he and Temeraire will fight against Napoleon’s dragons.
This is a delightful cross between the Napoleonic seafaring of the Aubrey-Maturin novels and Dragonriders of Pern, with a little bit of Hogwarts for dragons thrown in. Temeraire is a precocious and intellectually curious dragon of exceptional abilities, who charms not only the readers but most of those he meets.
I’m looking forward to reading the next few books in the series.