George V. Reilly

2024 December
20 Patching Airflow Wheels
16 Patching and Splitting Python Wheels
1 Social Media Handles
19 Cold Brew Coffee Recipe for French Press
2023 September
26 Exploring Wordle
5 Regex Conjunctions
2 Python Enums with Attributes
10 Patching a Python Wheel
7 Bram Moolenaar RIP
24 Cold Brew Coffee Recipe
21 Compressing Tar Files in Parallel
24 Implementing the Tree command in Rust, part 2: Printing Trees
23 Implementing the Tree command in Rust, part 1: Walking Directories
2022 December
31 fsymbols for Unicode weirdness
19 Backwards Ranges in Python
2 Ulysses at 100
31 Diffing a fragment of a file
31 40 Years of Programming
2021 December
30 On Circumnavigating the Aubreyiad Again
28 Review: Crafting Interpreters
5 Path Traversal Attacks
4 Accidentally Quadratic: Python List Membership
10 Passphrase Generators
8 Punctuating James Joyce
2020 April
23 Now You Have 32 Problems
15 Weirdest Birthday Ever
2019 November
22 Dublin for 2020
15 A Use for Octal: Calculating Modulo 36 from Modulo 9
2 Decrypting Blackbox secrets at build time with Paperkey
3 Review: Fire and Blood
2 Review: Watership Down (miniseries)
2018 December
31 2018 ends
1 Review: The Heart's Invisible Furies
6 Election Day 2018
2017 December
30 Brilliant Jerks in Engineering
27 How to talk to people you disagree with
26 Git Diff Tips
25 Review: Coco
27 Seattle: Overturned Truck
23 Stitches in my Finger
22 I Haz Shoes
21 OrderedDict Initialization
19 Review: Skinny Dip
18 HTML5 tables require tr inside thead
17 Review: The Italian Job
10 Review: Kill Me Three Times
9 Jenkins #6: Miscellenea
9 Review: I Shall Wear Midnight
8 Jenkins #5: Groovy
7 Old Presentations
7 Jenkins #4: The sh Step
6 Jenkins #3: GitHub Integration
6 Trump: Media Suppresses Coverage of Terrorist Attacks
5 Jenkins #2: EC2 Slaves
4 Jenkins #1: Migrating to Pipelines
3 Review: Gone, Baby, Gone
2 Seattle Accessibility
1 Review: The Rhesus Chart
31 Negative Circled Digits
30 JSON data from Docker Images
29 Review: The Apocalypse Codex
28 Review: The Jennifer Morgue
22 Seattle Womxn's March
20 Trump Inauguration
19 Bash: echo success of previous command
18 Movember 2016
17 Knee Walker
16 Review: The Atrocity Archives
15 Git File Modes
14 Review: Boiling Point
13 Computed Parallel Branches in Jenkins Pipeline
12 Review: Death of a Red Heroine
11 Diff a Transformed File
10 LKRhash: Scalable Hash Tables
9 Review: Watch Your Back!
8 More Blog Cleanup
7 Review: Dr. Strange
5 Git: pruning unused branches
4 Markdown Live Preview
3 Review: Basket Case
2 Blog Cleanup
1 Review: Watership Down
2016 November
8 Election Night 2016
7 Review: Hunted on the Fens
6 Alembic: Data Migrations
5 Review: Flashman and the Angel of the Lord
4 Review: In For The Kill
3 Productivity Hack: Do Nothing
1 Kindle Monthly Deals: $3.99 or Less
31 New Compression Formats
30 USB Charge-Only Cables and Condoms
29 HTTPS for GitHub Pages Custom Domain: Not Yet
28 Plums
27 Review: Flashman in the Great Game
26 Homograph Attacks
23 Flame Graphs and Flame Charts
21 Review: Flashman At The Charge
20 Review: Jason Bourne
19 Opening Vim at the right place
18 Review: The Murder Road
16 On Washers
15 Review: Flashman And The Redskins
12 Review: Fuzzy Nation
9 AIDS Walk 2016
7 Review: Flash For Freedom!
6 Rounding
5 Useful Mental Models
4 Review: Above Suspicion
3 git commit --verbose
2 Review: De Reünie (Murdered Memory)
1 Creating External SSL Certificates for CloudFront
31 Review: Cymbeline
30 Review: The Hurt Locker
29 Review: Ghostbusters
28 I'm With Her
27 Review: The King's Hounds
26 Review: Star Trek Beyond
22 High Temperatures
21 T-Shirt Folding
19 Undeleting Notes in Evernote
18 Review: The Silent Twin
16 Review: Thor: Dark World
15 Review: Elysium
14 SQLAlchemy got me Killed
13 Disabling Vibrating Notifications in the Facebook Android App
12 Python: Joining URLs with posixpath.join
11 Logging in Python: Don't use new-fangled format
10 Review: Flashman and the Mountain of Light
9 Black Lives Matter: Alton, Philando, and Dallas
8 Teatro Zinzanni
7 Review: The Tailor of Panama
6 Bash: Bulk Renaming
5 Review: Flashman's Lady
4 Independence Day
3 SSD Upgrade for 2012 MacBook
2 Review: Tomorrowland
1 Review: Jimmy's Hall
30 reStructuredText Anonymous Hyperlinks
29 reStructuredText Nested Markup
28 Creating a New PostgreSQL Database at RDS
27 Review: The Prisoner of Zenda
26 Review: Royal Flash
25 Brexit
24 Review: Independence Day: Resurgence
23 Bad Speakers at Meetups
22 Review: Flashman
21 DockerCon 2016
18 Deploying Docker Containers on AWS, part 3
17 Deploying Docker Containers on AWS, part 2
16 Review: Death on Ibiza
15 Final Bloomsday Rehearsal
14 Pulse Massacre, Day 3
13 Pulse Massacre, Day 2
12 50 Murdered in Orlando
11 Review: The Simple Art of Murder
10 What3Words
9 Hillary Clinton, presumptive nominee
8 Bloomsday Approaches
7 A New Car
6 Review: The Blackhouse
5 Review: The Dead
4 Panel on Marriage Equality
3 Review: The Very Best of Kate Elliott
2 Review: The Queen of Ireland
1 HouseCanary PyCon2016 Progamming Challenge
31 Review: Jimmy the Kid (audiobook)
30 Review: A Colder Kind of Death
29 FlyingCloud Documentation Updates
28 Powell's City of Books
27 Review: Mars Crossing
26 Shrinking PDF File Size
25 Seattle Power Outage
24 Deploying a Docker Container on AWS
23 Toastmasters' Evaluations
22 Review: Wildtrack
21 Review: Scoundrel
20 Review: Avengers: Age of Ultron
19 Review: Ship Breaker
18 Review: The Point of Death
17 Subtracting Compound Objects
16 Toastmasters Transitions
15 Review: The Woman Who Knew Too Much
14 Review: Sing Street
13 Review: What We Do In The Shadows
12 Review: Spy
11 Triple Chocolate Cookies
10 Review: Jurassic World
9 Review: Ant-Man
8 Sixteenth Wedding Anniversary
6 Review: Let's Hear It For The Deaf Man
5 Review: Captain America: Civil War
4 Review: Spy Sinker
3 Review: Victory of the Hawk
2 Review: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
1 Changing Electrical Plugs
30 ssh IdentitiesOnly
29 The Unix file Command
28 Review: Spy Line
27 Railroad Diagrams (Syntax Diagrams)
26 Being A Developer After 40
25 Review: Kingsman: The Secret Service
24 Review: Vengeance of the Hunter
23 Winding String onto a Trimmer's Spool
22 Review: Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit
21 Review: Spy Hook
20 Review: The Breath of God
19 Supraorbital Ridge
18 Review: Valor of the Healer
17 Running after Stitches
16 Review: The Hateful Eight
15 Review: The Locked Room
14 Review: A Stone of the Heart
13 io.StringIO and UnicodeCSV DictWriter
12 Review: Venetian Mask
11 Debunking Memes
10 Tufte Makeover
8 Toastmasters Assistant Android App
7 Review: National Sunday Law
6 Review: Winter
5 Doctests, Unicode Literals, and Python 2/3 Compatibility
4 Lugging CRT Monitors to Montréal
3 Find remote Git branch with change to a file
2 Review: The Mercy of the Night
1 New 520 Floating Bridge
31 Acne
30 Migrating to a New Mac
29 Review: Trap Line
28 Review: Run Jane Run
27 Preparing Bloomsday Scripts
26 Caucus 2016
25 Profiling
24 Raising IOError for 'file not found'
23 Mole Removal
22 PuPPy Startup Row Pitch Night
21 Review: A.K.A. Jane
20 Review: The Annunciate
19 Review: The God's Eye View
18 Review: Big City, Bad Blood
17 Quoting in Bash
16 Review: The Fourth Secret
15 25 Years Out as Bisexual
14 Happy Pi Day
13 Review: Moriarty
12 Daylight Saving Time
11 Hillary Clinton "Misspeaks" about Nancy Reagan and AIDS
10 Review: Mother London
9 Fear of Public Speaking
8 Irish Slave Myths Debunked
7 FlyingCloud 0.3.0 released
6 psutil kill
5 Review: Deadpool
4 Review: Crack'd Pot Trail
3 Review: Ways to Die in Glasgow
2 Python: Import subclass from dynamic path
1 Asking for Help
29 Toastmasters Speech Contest
28 Adapting Books for Film and TV
27 Keybase
26 Review: Run Fatboy Run
25 Review: Hail, Caesar!
24 Taibbi on Trump
23 Rome the Eternal City Video
22 Review: Graveyard Dust
21 Review: Death In A Strange Country
20 Review: The Belfast Connection
19 Review: Mad Max: Fury Road
18 Review: The Straw Men
17 Shamrocks Have Three Leaves, Not Four
16 Sorting Python Dictionaries by Value
15 Review: Ashes By Now
14 Review: Counterstroke
13 Review: Reversible Errors
12 Unicode Upside-Down Mapping, Part 2
11 Unicode Upside-Down Mapping
10 Emma at Madrona Fiber Arts Festival
9 Review: Thrones, Dominations
8 MythBusters: Lead Balloon
7 Sportsing
6 Story Sticks
5 Car2go: Out of Home Area
4 Review: She Returns From War
3 Review: A Presumption of Death
2 Review: The Dead of Winter
1 Toastmasters Contest Chair
31 URLs from Unicode Strings
30 Review: The Bugles Blowing
29 Review: The Big Short (film)
28 Review: The Liberties of London
27 First Hill Streetcar
26 Spoon Theory
25 Review: The Fuller Memorandum
24 Nose Test Discovery
23 Review: Sherlock Holmes (2010 film)
22 Recursive Generators in Python 2 and 3
21 Review: The Black-Eyed Blonde
20 Mixed-Up Canadian Date Formats
19 psql: could not connect to server
18 Federal Holidays Inadequately Observed
17 Relative Imports in a Python Script
16 Installing Python 2.7.11 on Ubuntu
15 DVI Not Considered Equal
14 Python Base Class Order
13 Review: Star Doc
12 Bash: Getting and Setting Default Values
11 Review: Blind Justice
10 Review: A Dedicated Man
9 Review: Dollmaker
8 Happy Birthday, Roy Batty
7 LastPass and Diceware
6 Review: Hide Me Among The Graves
5 Decrementing Loops
4 Obfuscating Passwords in URLs in Python
4 Obfuscating Passwords in URLs in Python
3 My Recent Reading
2 Review: The Red Road
1 Thanks for Making a Mess
2015 December
31 Review: The Magician's Land
30 Python: a use for nested list comprehensions
29 Free ebooks from Springer
28 Review: Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens
27 Review: The Magician King
26 Review: The Magicians
25 Christmas
24 Running
23 Checking minimum version numbers in Bash
22 Christmas Cake
21 Including Data Files in Python Packages
20 Review: Destination: Morgue!
19 Restoring the Bar Room
18 Bar Room Booze
17 No Spoilers for Star Wars
16 Review: The Saxon Tales by Bernard Cornwell
15 Python f-strings
14 Dark Chocolate Gelato-Buttermilk Milkshakes
13 Christmas Cards
12 Painting the Bar Room
11 Review: Legend
10 Christmas Movies: Die Hard
9 USB 3 Drivers on a Lenovo E545
8 Review: The Ax
7 History of Toilet Paper
6 Christmas Puddings
5 Python Print Formatting
4 Review: Star Fall
3 Review: Grace of Kings
2 Microsoft Natural Keyboard 4000 on Mac OS X 10.11: Alt/Windows key no longer swapped
1 Explaining the epilog of fnmatch.translate, \Z(?ms)
30 On Blogging
15 Setting Up a Pairing Workstation for Chrome and Git
20 RunSnakeRun (wxPython) apps in a Brew Virtualenv
7 Review: Hard Freeze
7 Off to Berlin: Spring Cleaning
7 Review: Glimmering
7 Review: Pirate King
7 Review: The Crook Factory
7 Review: Hardcase
31 Review: Bad Boy
31 Review: A Midwinter Murder
28 Review: In Cold Blood
24 A Berlin Summer
23 Ireland Votes Yes on Marriage Equality
7 Review: Skin Game
6 Review: The Sherlockian
6 Review: The Crocodile Bird
6 Review: Dreams Underfoot
6 Review: The Reckoning
6 Review: The Innocent
2 Review: Wayne of Gotham
2 Review: Macbeth: A Novel
2 Review: Sullivan's Sting
2 Review: The Good German
2 Review: Written in Red
27 Review: My Sister's Grave
3 Review: Cape Fear
2 Review: Asking For The Moon
29 Review: HMS Ulysses
27 Review: House of Cards Trilogy
21 Review: The Way Home
14 Review: The Snowman
12 Review: Chinese Cooking for Diamond Thieves
11 Allergies
10 Review: A Death in Summer
7 Review: Revenger
6 Review: Blood of Tyrants
5 Review: River of Gods
4 Review: Last Train to Paradise
3 George Clery, died 3rd March 1965
2 Nosetests won't discover tests in executable files
1 Review: Cry Father
1 Review: Blood Eye
26 Review: Traitor's Blade
25 Review: The Falls
1 Review: A Long Long Way
30 The TerraServer
28 Python Egg Cache
27 Utili-Key 6-in-1 Multi-Tool
26 Unseasonable January Weather
25 Running PyCharm on Yosemite
24 Craft Distilleries
23 Removing DRM from Ebooks
22 Review: The Beekeeper's Apprentice
20 Review: The Hot Rock
18 Seattle Goes to the Super Bowl Again
17 Clean Installing Yosemite
16 Review: The Lance Thrower
15 Audiobooks
14 Review: Natural Causes
13 Adesso Bistro
12 Vancouver
10 Sherlock Seattle 2015
9 Review: Born & Bred
8 Glassy Eyed
7 Dyshidrotic Eczema
6 Matt Taibbi at Town Hall Seattle
5 Review: Toll Call
4 Review: So, Anyway...
3 For Want of a Nail
2 Happy 100th Birthday to Auntie Pat
1 Review: The Thirty-Nine Steps
2014 December
31 Sic Transit 2014
30 Blog 2014
2013 December
17 Joining CookBrite
12 Sample ASP Components: now at Github
11 Turn off Windows Defender on your builds
24 Review: Backbone.js Testing
21 Adapting Penelope, part II
20 Adapting Penelope, part I
20 Static Website Conversions
2012 January
26 30 Years of Programming
2011 December
17 Christmas Pudding
22 SerializationException: the constructor was not found
22 Security 101 for Developers
3 The 1911 Census
2010 November
30 Review: Let the Dead Lie
10 Review: The Hundred Days
31 Review: The Yellow Admiral
31 Review: Lies, Damned Lies, and Science
24 Review: Zulu Heart
2 Review: Immortals: the Crossing
1 Review: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest
28 Review: Watchman
22 Review: Hide in Plain Sight
20 Review: The Pawn
20 Review: Matter
20 Review: MetaGame
20 Review: Union of Renegades: Rys Chronicles I
20 Review: Blood Engines
15 Seattle AIDS Walk 2010
13 Review: Hour of the Hunter
13 Review: Hostile Intent
13 Review: The Unsuspecting Mage: the Morcyth Saga I
13 Review: Bitter Seeds
9 Review: 1812: The Rivers of War
7 Review: Frankenstein: Prodigal Son
1 Review: The Girl Who Played with Fire
1 Review: Beyond Reach
1 Review: Once Around the Track
1 Review: Every Man Dies Alone
1 Review: White Witch, Black Curse
2 Review: Siren of the Waters
1 Review: Shakespeare in an Hour
1 Review: A Nail Through the Heart
31 Review: The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
31 Review: Bulldog Drummond
31 Review: His Majesty's Dragon
31 Review: Containment
31 Review: Playback
31 Review: Assassin's Apprentice
31 Review: The Scent of Shadows
30 Review: Web Operations: Keeping the Data on Time
30 Review: The Weaker Vessel
13 Review: The Winds of Dune
13 Review: The Trade of Queens
29 Review: Requiem for an Angel
16 Review: The Shadow Pavilion
15 Review: Precious Dragon
14 Review: Nebula Awards Showcase 2007
4 Generating UUIDs in JavaScript
1 Review: Gallows Lane
25 Review: Winter in Madrid
21 Review: Halting State
18 Review: The Tourmaline
11 Review: Small Favor
4 SQLAlchemy Sharding
3 Review: Neverwhere (book)
28 Review: "The Boys", Volumes 4–6
27 Engineering Jobs at Cozi
9 Review: The Road
6 Review: The Office of the Dead
28 Review: Nine Lives
22 Review: An Olympic Death
20 Review: Let the Right One In
10 Review: States of Grace
7 Review: Saturnalia
3 Review: "The Boys", Volumes 1–3
28 Review: A Hat Full of Sky
10 Review: Nature Girl
10 Review: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
2009 December
31 Review: Silent in the Grave
31 Review: White Riot
31 Review: River of Darkness
31 Review: This Girl for Hire
26 Review: The Wine-Dark Sea
26 Review: In the Woods
25 Review: The Truelove
25 Review: Too Many Magicians
25 Review: The Flood
25 Review: Where There's a Will
17 Review: Princep's Fury
13 Review: The Lizard's Bite
8 Review: Industrial Magic
5 Review: The Ghost Brigades
30 Review: The Digger's Game
30 Review: The Nutmeg of Consolation
29 Review: The Kite Runner
27 Review: Dead Beat
23 Review: Public Enemies
21 Review: The Scourge of God
21 Review: The Hanging Valley
12 Review: Farthing
8 Review: The Way of Shadows
8 Washington's Wineries
7 12th Anniversary
5 Election Day
2 Review: Bangkok 8
1 Halloween 2009
28 Titus Andronicus
26 StackOverflow DevDays Seattle 2009
19 Review: Pragmatic Version Control Using Git
17 Football and Brain Damage
16 Third-Party Cookies
16 Review: March to the Stars
15 Gitting Along
14 Review: The Lighthouse
12 Review: Spook Country
11 National Coming Out Day
10 Approve71: Create a Profile Picture
16 Approve Referendum 71 community organization meeting
16 Twibboning
15 Review: The Stockholm Syndicate
14 Review: The Thirteen-Gun Salute
13 Scattering Frank's Ashes
12 Launching 32-bit applications from batchfiles on Win64
11 Approve Referendum 71 Phonebanking
9 Paying Bills
9 Review: Bad Debts
7 AIDS Walk Barbecue
7 Review: Dracula in London
6 First Thursday Art Walk
4 Chuckanut Drive
3 Review: Hermit's Peak
3 Inviting friends to Cozi
2 Review: Wolfnight
31 Seattle AIDS Walk 2009
31 APPROVE Referendum 71
29 Recovering photos from a corrupted card
26 Review: Das Barbecü
25 Ted Kennedy, RIP
25 XKCD's Tech Support Cheat Sheet
24 Review: The Letter of Marque
23 Review: Goosefoot
21 High-Capacity SD cards
21 Review: A Coffin for Two
19 Senator Patty Murray at Cozi
19 Town Halls
18 Review: You Suck: A Love Story
16 Moving Photos in Lightroom
15 Review: Layer Cake (movie)
15 Review: Layer Cake (book)
14 Light Rail
13 The 14th Inning
11 Review: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
10 Review: Torchwood: Children of Earth
8 Review: Shadowfall
6 Review: Winterbirth
4 Review: Thunderer
27 Review: Careless in Red
27 Wilfred the Hairy
26 Review: Ink and Steel
25 Review: Barcelona the Great Enchantress
24 Review: The Name of the Wind
16 Offline for a Few Days
14 Vacation Packing
14 Comedy of Errors
12 Picnics
12 Lyn on Billy Strayhorn
11 64-bit Windows 7
10 Seattle Healthcare Rally
9 Ripping with Handbrake
8 Health Care Now rally on Thursday
6 Frank's Memorial
6 Review: A Murder of Quality
4 Review: Call for the Dead
3 Portland Motsscon XXII
2 Review: Public Enemies
1 Review: Good Night, Mr Holmes
1 Review: The Reapers
30 FSTM Treasurer
28 Portland Train
27 Touring Portland's Waterfront on a Segway
27 Talking to Senators about Healthcare Reform
25 Google Maps for Collaboration
25 Review: The Wandering Soul Murders
24 Shakespeare in the Park: Comedy of Errors
23 Review: Murder at the Mendel
21 Review: Up
21 Review: Deadly Appearances
20 When Video Cards Go Bad
19 Maximus / Minimus
18 Obama's Gay Rights Shitstorm
17 Bloomsday 2009
16 Review: Old Boys
15 Yard Waste
13 Bloomsday Reading
12 Review: Shadowplay
12 Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered
11 Review: Objectified
9 Frank's Memorial: Evite
8 Progressive Lenses
7 Kubota Garden
7 Elocutionary Punctuation
6 Google Chrome for Mac and Linux
5 Too Damn Hot
4 Evite for Bloomsday Reading
2 Memorial for Frank R.A.J. Maloney
2 Review: Planet of Twilight
1 Review: Dance with Death
31 Dinner-Auctions
30 Review: Old Man's War
29 Review: Good Morning, Irene
28 Review: The Treatment
27 Day of Decision
26 Review: Terribly Happy
25 Memorial Day
23 Review: The Last Light of the Sun
23 Child Abuse in Ireland
22 Win64 Vim 7.2.182
21 Driving on the Other Side of the Road
20 The Rhododendron Garden
19 Review: The Circle
18 CrossLoop for Mac
17 Review: Scapegoat
16 Safari 4 Revisited
15 Circe Poster
14 Circe Rehearsal
13 A Minute or an Hour
11 Review: The Steep Approach to Garbadale
11 Review: The Revolution Business
10 Van Dusen Botanical Garden
8 Review: Wyatt's Hurricane
7 Windows 7 x64 running in Mac VirtualBox 2.2.2
7 Pro-Gay Marriage Backlash
6 Review: Nightingale's Lament
5 Review: The Merchants' War
4 Max audio extractor
3 Review: The Big Sleep
1 Review: The Grounds
30 Bloomsday 2009 Press Release
30 Emma at 50
29 Refinancing: Escrow Papers Signed
28 Mobile Device Browser File
26 Review: The Star Fraction
25 Sprints
25 Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04
23 Python String Formatting
23 InstantShot!
22 Tulips
20 Reading Frank's Poems
19 Review: Deadly Decision
19 I Fear My Office
18 iKeePass in Limbo
16 CSS in Email
15 Review: Nameless Night
15 Tax Day
14 Table Topics
13 Review: Anathem
12 De-partitioning a Mac disk
11 NTFS-3G: the universal filesystem
9 Iframes: thinking outside the box
8 Vermont Gay Marriage Legalized
8 Narrators in Circe
6 Removing Moss
6 Circe, second draft
5 Barbecue Season Starting
4 Iowa Gay Marriage Ruling
2 Contrasting Colors for Text and Background
1 Allergies
1 Deja Vu
31 Augmenting Python's strftime
30 Review: Black Dossier
28 Review: By Myself
28 Toastmasters Competition
27 Riding Home in Daylight
25 Refinancing
25 Ack - Better than Grep
23 Exuberant Ctags and JavaScript
23 Review: No Country for Old Men
21 Rugby Grand Slam
20 Review: The Choirboys
20 Flattening List Comprehensions in Python
18 Circe, part 1
17 Review: Fleshmarket Close
17 AIG Bonuses
16 Bistrot Bistro
15 Vancouver
14 Clutching the Pearls
13 Lex Luthor's Bailout
12 Looting
11 Review: Perdition House
10 Cat Voyeurs
9 Review: The Seafarer
7 reStructuredText syntax highlighting
6 Who Watches the Watchmen?
6 Review: Watchmen (film)
5 Zits
3 George Clery
2 The Law of Economy of Characters
2 Hash Table Attacks
1 SOLID Development Priniciples – in Motivational Posters
1 PBwiki 2.0
27 Lucida Hybrid
27 Stack Overflow
26 Interviewing your next boss
25 Safari 4: FAIL!
23 Review: Programming Sudoku
22 Gay Bingo
22 Review: Watchmen (book)
20 Procrastination
19 Dramaturgy: Vim
18 Dramaturgy: LaTeX
18 Annoy People:
16 Dramaturgy: XML
15 Madrona Fiber Arts Festival
15 Review: Bleeding Kansas
14 Review: Gran Torino
12 Command-line Tools for the Clipboard
11 Snow Again
11 Sugar in the American Diet
10 Some Facebook Groups
9 Review: Taken
7 Sleep Through Anything
6 Ulysses 2009: Circe
5 The Bowling Game
4 Twitter and Facebook
3 Review: The Outlaw Demon Wails
2 Leaving Ireland, part 1
2 The Big Fix
1 Northwest Python Day 2009
30 January 2009
30 Vote for Sherril Huff
29 Review: Paul of Dune
28 Metro Open House
27 De-excommunication
26 Christmas Cake
26 Christmas Cake: Royal Icing
24 CrossLoop
23 Salumi's
22 Using Opera
22 Marzipan
21 Welcome, President Obama
20 The Other Inauguration
19 Review: Milk
17 Closing #39 Route
16 Hold Bush Administration Accountable
16 Reading at Speed
14 Review: The Sun Over Breda
14 Colds
13 Review: An Unpardonable Crime
12 Don't Leave a Mess
11 Review: Making Money
10 Funerals
8 Harry
7 Frank RAJ Maloney 1945-2009
6 Baby Pix
6 Welcome Baby Bowles!
4 Review: Absent Friends
3 Review: The Sunrise Lands
2 Babywatch Day 14: Induction
2 Over-Engineering Backup
2008 December
31 2008, a year
29 Review: Sovereign
28 Babywatch Day 9
27 Dundrum
24 Review: Resurrection Men
22 Review: Captain's Fury
21 In Dublin
20 Snow Job
19 Snow Day
18 Butter
17 To Frank and Lyndol
16 Review: The Vivero Letter
15 Icy Roads
14 New Babies
13 Review: Accelerando
12 Kindle
11 Cozi Mobile is in beta
9 The Tubes Have Ears
8 NaBloPoMo
7 Can't Take Her Anywhere
6 Review: Dead to Me
5 Proroguery
4 The End of Wall Street's Boom
3 WaMu Layoffs
2 To Work I Go
1 Review: Cryptonomicon
30 Irish Brown Bread
29 Reach
28 Giving Thanks
27 How to Carve a Turkey
26 Eee
25 Shaun the Sheep
24 reStructuredText
23 Review: Field of Blood
22 Review: Quantum of Solace
21 Review: Slumdog Millionaire
20 The Bankruptcy of Detroit
19 #1 Technical Blog, revisited
18 Hardware Lazarus
17 Nader's irrelevancy
16 Review: Quicksilver (again)
16 Against Gay Marriage? Don't Have One
15 Henry IV
14 Games Night
13 National Protest against Prop 8
12 #1 Technical Blog
11 Freely Speaking Toastmasters' 20th Anniversary
10 Distributed Version Control Systems on Windows
8 Bereft after the Obama win
8 No on Proposition 8
5 Yes! Yes! Yes!
26 Review: The System of the World
26 Review: The Bloomsday Dead
26 Vote Obama and Volunteer
5 Review: The Confusion
4 AIDS Walk 2008 Results
24 Shared Items in Google Reader
24 Phonebanking for Obama on Beacon Hill
22 AIDS Walk 2008
14 Review: Oblivion
14 Cheetah Tips
13 Review: Mortal Causes
9 Review: Blind to the Bones
9 Review: Bleed Out
1 Review: JavaScript: The Good Parts
1 Review: Somebody Else
31 Sarah Palin
25 Review: Thirteenth Night
17 Review: Black Arrow
17 Vim 7.2 is released
10 Review: The Daughter of Time
7 Review: Dead to the World
7 Review: Brandenburg
26 Review: A Crown of Lights
21 Review: The Hanging Garden
21 Review: Listen to the Shadows
17 Review: Spider Dance
16 MacBook Makeover
7 Review: Heart of Stone
7 Review: The New Centurions
7 Review: Our Game
25 Review: In Dublin's Fair City
25 Review: Judge
16 Review: Passage
10 Bloomsday 2008
9 Review: Iron Kissed
7 Review: Blood and Honey
2 Review: Nine Layers of Sky
30 Preload Ajax Data as JSON
29 Review: Agents of Light and Darkness
26 Review: A Princess of Roumania
22 Review: Un Lun Dun
20 Bike to Work 2008
19 Review: The Wee Free Men
14 Review: Garnethill
14 Sharing Dotfiles between Windows and \*nix
10 Review: What the Dead Know
5 Review: The Unknown Terrorist
2 Review: Rebel Fay
29 Review: Roma
29 Review: The Reverse of the Medal
19 Review: Alliance Space
19 Review: White Night
19 Review: Boundary
19 Review: Orange Crush
15 Odds and Ends #12
7 Review: Lords of the North
6 Review: Variable Star
6 Review: The Unquiet
2 Multiple Firefox Profiles: Run Firefox 2 and 3 Side-By-Side, and More
1 Review: Dreams from my Father
1 Review: Hammerhead Ranch Motel
21 Odds and Ends #11
19 Debugging JavaScript in IE from Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition
15 Odds and Ends #10
13 Daylight Savings Time and JavaScript
10 Transparent PNGs Can Deadlock IE6
8 Review: The Sparrow
25 Review: 1634: The Bavarian Crisis
25 Review: Cursor's Fury
18 Review: Domino
6 Odds and Ends #9
3 Odds and Ends #8
31 Review: Pro JavaScript Design Patterns
29 Odds and Ends #7
24 Odds and Ends #6
20 Odds and Ends #5
17 Odds and Ends #4
15 Impeachment
14 Review: Coronado
14 Review: The Assassin's Cloak
14 Review: Dancing with the Virgins
14 Review: For a Few Demons More
10 Odds and Ends #3
10 Review: Defensive Design for the Web
7 Review: Iron Council
6 Odds and Ends #2
5 Odds and Ends #1
1 Review: The Terror
2007 December
28 Waterboarding
25 Review: Unnatural Selection
25 Review: The Boy-Bishop's Glovemaker
18 Review: The Fourth Bear
17 Review: The Best American Crime Writing 2005
17 Review: Triggerfish Twist
10 Review: Skeletons
10 Review: Hogfather
10 Review: The Naming of the Dead
3 Review: The Historian
26 Review: Coyote Dreams
25 Review: Folly
23 Review: Wilt in Nowhere
19 Review: 1634: The Baltic War
17 Review: Paula Spencer
17 Review: What Came Before He Shot Her
15 Review: Ajax Design Patterns
5 Review: Bulletproof Web Design, second edition
5 Reilly anniversaries
5 Review: The Monster of Florence
5 Review: Knights of the Black and White
5 Review: The Clan Corporate
5 Review: Mr. Vertigo
25 Er, er
24 Virtualization
16 Review: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
16 Review: At End of Day
11 Greasemonkey for demos and mockups
5 Review: Pro JavaScript Techniques
5 Mark Reilly PhD
5 Silly Cat Pictures Redux
30 Review: Smiley's People
27 Unity Oh-Eight Dot Com
24 Review: Waxwings
24 Cozi is Hiring
17 Review: To the Power of Three
17 AIDS Walk 2007
16 Review: Lion's Blood
16 Review: Club Dead
16 Review: The Warmasters
11 Review: The Polished Hoe
9 Review: RESTful Web Services
9 Review: Something From the Nightside
9 Review: The Merchant of Prato
9 Review: The Bavarian Gate
9 Review: The Lion Returns
9 Review: The Lion of Farside
9 Review: Blood Bound
1 Review: Giraffe
30 Family Values Hypocrites
30 Review: Death by Chick Lit
29 Review: A Dirty Job
29 Review: Empire Falls
29 Review: Blown Away
29 Review: The Art of Detection
20 Review: Sandworms of Dune
20 Review: Rumpole and the Penge Bungalow Murders
15 Building a REST Web Service, day 1
13 Review: The Honourable Schoolboy
13 Review: Thraxas
13 PC Mag Site of the Week
9 Configuring Pidgin for Google Talk
7 Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
7 Review: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
5 Habeneros Hurt!
5 Atlas To Cozi
4 Review: The Belisarius Series
20 Serializing a NameValueCollection
16 Review: The Accusers
16 Review: The Order of the Phoenix
5 Review: Dead I May Well Be
4 Review: Ally
4 Review: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
4 Review: Pyramid Scheme
25 Review: Adept
19 Review: Prior Bad Acts
17 Review: Hearse of a Different Color
13 Review: Proven Guilty
11 Bloomsday 2007
10 Review: The Black Death
10 Review: The Far Side of the World
10 Review: Roma Eterna
10 Review: The Portrait
9 Multilingual
27 Review: Florida Roadkill
27 Review: Sixty Days and Counting
23 Review: The Color of Blood
22 Review Policy
22 Review: The Rats, The Bats, & The Ugly
18 Microsoft buys aQuantive
16 Jerry Falwell: Good Riddance
14 Review: Rats, Bats, and Vats
11 Review: Saturday
11 Review: Doomsday Book
5 Rube Goldberg Videos
28 Review: Hurricane Punch
28 Review: The Shape Shifter
28 Review: The Guards
28 Review: Living Dead in Dallas
16 Washington State Impeachment Resolution
16 Review: Shadowmarch
9 Review: No Good Deeds
6 Review: Academ's Fury
2 Review: Purity of Blood
2 Ignite Seattle
2 Bags, again
30 Review: Moon Called
28 Review: If I Were an Evil Overlord
28 MozBackup
28 Tsai-Fan Yu
27 Hotkey for Clipboard.NET
27 Blast from the Past II
25 Review: Glasshouse
21 NUnit calling CppUnit
21 Review: The Algebraist
17 Review: 1635: The Cannon Law
17 Review: His Dark Materials Trilogy
16 Of Bags, Bugattis, and Birthdays
14 Damn Right We're Angry
14 NVelocity: loading templates from embedded resources
7 NVelocity templates and absolute paths
1 Review: A Meeting at Corvallis
1 Macalicious
27 Review: The Friends of Eddie Coyle
24 Review: A Play of Isaac
21 Review: Shakespeare's Champion
20 Review: The Confessions of Mycroft Holmes
20 Review: Flashman on the March
20 Vim on Win64 updated
20 Review: Dark Fire
12 Review: The Dante Club
11 Shell extension throwing R6034 errors
10 Iran: Official Washington Waking Up
10 Review: Grantville Gazette III
8 Using Gmail to read other accounts
7 Printf %n
7 I-957: The Defense of Marriage Initiative
7 Doctor Who and the French Dalek
6 Review: In the Beginning ... Was the Command Line
5 Survey of Irish-born immigrants in Washington and British Columbia
5 Watching Liberally Film Club
4 Review: Lake of Sorrows
4 Laptop Woes
4 Attacking Iran - The Cantwell Response
2 Nutritionism
2 Attacking Iran
29 Review: Uther
18 The String Pod
14 Review: The Wrong Kind of Blood
14 Ta Fuck-All Gaeilge Agam
13 Python Batchfile Wrapper, Redux
12 Bush's surge speech
10 Review: Pushing Ice
9 Mind Mapping Speech
5 Christmas Cake
5 Review: Quicksilver
2006 December
31 Review: Rilke on Black
31 Review: Matriarch
31 Book Reviews
31 Review: Window Seat
30 Rating with Stars
29 Python Batchfile Wrapper
26 Installing Rainlendar on Kubuntu
13 Savory Cheesecakes
5 Picture of the Day Project
5 POTD: Oct 29 - Nov 03
3 Michelle's Wedding
8 New SysInternals Site and Tools
6 Freedom video
3 Vista Speech Recognition Snafu, in context
2 Andrew Sullivan: not an election, but an intervention
2 Google Images
1 Addictive Email
1 Halloween Photos
27 No security updates today
26 Silly Cat Pictures
26 The Italian Girl in Algiers
24 Little Details
28 Google Transit
28 Gregoire's Chutzpah
27 Torture your senators
20 Cockroach vs. Weatherman
14 Never Sleep(0) in an Infinite Loop
12 AIDS Walk Results
12 9/11
6 Atlas On Demand - Pilot
2 Upgrade your installation of NAnt
30 Moving Offices
29 Using Log4Net from a COM+ Application
18 Posting to dasBlog with Windows Live Writer
18 Sponsor me for the AIDS Walk
17 The UK Terror Plot
16 An Interview with Saul Alinsky
16 Some Family Photos
11 Star Trek Inspirational Posters
9 Are you an In Between?
9 Endorse Lamont, Spurn Lieberman
28 Dr. Raven
28 Chain Mail Hoaxes
27 No Same-Sex Marriages in Washington State. Yet.
1 The Incredible Shrinking Artwork
1 Michelle's Wedding
1 Infernal Affairs
27 Anti-Abortion movement started in response to desegregation
27 What Shamu Taught About a Happy Marriage
26 June
6 Aerobie AeroPress
4 The Start of Hurricane Season
4 An Inconvenient Truth
30 FlexGo and me
28 Defining Issue of Our Time
24 Heroic Computer Dies to Save World From Master's Thesis
24 Their Lips are Moving
24 CNN on "Gay Cure" Quacks
23 Fusion Power
21 Not Much on My Mind Right Now
20 The Color of Love
20 Objectively Pro-Pollution
20 Fog is my Copilot
18 The War on Jim McDermott
18 The Scottish ... Opera
16 Not as Lame as You Think
16 0xFF...FF / 10 == 0x19...99
15 Writing Clearly
14 Deciderata
14 If Only
14 Blast from the Past I
14 Google Maps for Ireland
13 He Will Survive
11 Vim 7.0 is out
11 Parkour
10 Varekai
9 Anti-War Music and Videos
7 Six Years
5 Things are not as they seem
4 Southern Greens Recipes
4 Classic Deli Cole Slaw Dressing
4 The Ironies of Spam
4 Vim Syntax Highlighting for FlexWiki
3 Backup Trauma
3 Speaking Truthiness to Power
29 Google SketchUp
29 Assert(Result.ToString() == "Expected")
24 Subversive activity
22 Win64 port of Vim
19 Barbecue University
18 The Bigotsphere
18 Jim McDermott needs money
16 Rube Goldberg San
11 Your President Speaks
9 ViEmu: a vi and Vim emulator for Visual Studio
8 Two-upmanship
7 The Media's Chance at Redemption
3 God's Own Party
24 Theocracy in Action
23 Business Week Covers Atlas On Demand
23 Emma now blogs
22 That infestation of rats was the best thing that ever happened to us
21 Busy Busy Busy
16 Happy Birthday to Me
9 Frustrations with Microsoft's compensation system
9 Cosi Fan Tutte
7 Photoblogging
2 A Talib at Yale
2 Throwing from XSLT
19 Olympics: Razor-thin Margins
19 Are you Ready.Gov?
16 Cheney playing Folsom Prison
16 Windows Defender beta 2 is out
10 Usability testing dasBlog installation
9 FavIcon Creation
7 Using WinDbg to debug managed code
6 200 KeePass entries
5 Brokeback to the Future
3 Atlas Partner Summit
31 How to be a Good Developer or User
30 Colbert on Colbert
23 As If!
22 Compiling Vim with Visual C++ 2003 Toolkit
19 Is Your Computer Killing You?
18 And I Think it's Going to be a Long, Long Time
16 Filibuster Alito
15 Changing the Console Font
12 Giving you the shirt off my back
11 No skin off my back
6 Mustard-Mushroom Soup
1 Curing Hiccups
2005 December
30 20 Years of Vi
16 25 Dumbest Political Quotes of 2005
12 12 Days of Christmas
10 Bunny Suicides
10 Harold Pinter on Art, Truth, & Politics
9 16-digit credit card numbers
9 Bollocks!
7 Pandora and the Music Genome Project
5 Moved to
3 Ego Surfing on IMDB
2 Triumph of the Weather
2 Earth to America
26 Furniture Porn
20 A Feast for Crows
18 Bill Moyers: Setting the Record Straight
17 Skype and SSL
16 RSVP is *not* French for "Replies Optional"
15 Dueling Poets: W. B. Yeats vs. Walt Whitman
14 A picture is worth a thousand words
12 dasBlog 1.8 and w.bloggar
16 Decision about evacuee housing
3 Basement: Concrete Actions
30 It never rains but it pours
26 Basement: two steps forward, one step off
24 Basement update
24 Atlas += George
14 Katrina Evacuees: Work Parties and Scaling Back
14 Soaping up a Flat Tire
14 AIDS Walk: Rain Happens
12 The Herbfarm
5 Hurricane Katrina Determined to Strike in US
5 Hurricane Katrina and Evacuees
26 AIDS Walk 2005
11 TIME stamping
20 Surface is Illusion but so is depth
19 A Harry Potter prophecy
19 Cornwell and O'Brian
16 XML Scripts -- For the Theater
2 Printf Tricks
16 dasBlog vs. Community Server
15 Welcome to my new blog
2004 June
25 Moved to
11 Oppose the Federal Marriage Amendment
11 Things you have to believe to be a Republican today
2003 December
2 Free Ruslan Sharipov
18 Bob Beckel
11 Gout
7 Spolin Games
14 Spinning our Hearts and Minds
27 What Makes a Conservative?
25 U.S. Citizen
23 Iraqi Dead Parrot
10 Ping-Pong Reloaded
7 Bloomsday Speech
12 Howard Dean for President
11 Bloomsday
16 Naturalization
24 Sleep Apnea
22 Her Left Foot
30 Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
24 When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History
21 Rallying at the Seattle Federal Building
21 The Unseen Gulf War
18 Red, White, and Green
18 How Bush made enemies of our allies
17 Candlelight Vigil for Peace
12 The Onion does St. Patty's Day
4 Irish Personals
26 Why God is a Computer Programmer
24 Why Nerds are Unpopular in American high schools
21 MSNBC's The Savage Nation
20 The Seattle March
15 Seattle Peace Rally, Sat 15th Feb, Seattle Center
14 Hans Blix reports to the UN
14 Patriot Act II
10 TiVo
10 Powell at the UN
10 Casus Belli II
9 Bush-Iraq parody of Nigerian spam scam
8 Casus Belli
8 Pencil Carvings
8 Barbara Lee: Public Enemy Number One?
8 State of the Union
8 Hasbians: Bi for Now